太阳成集团(122cc-VIP)官网-APP platform

Department锛欬/td> Department of Space Physics
Name锛欬/td> 浣欓泟涓
E-mail address锛欬/td> yuxiongdong@whu.edu.cn
Gender锛欬/td> Male
Title锛欬/td> Research Associate
Cell phone number锛欬/td> 13720233359
Personal website锛欬/td> https://scholar.google.com.hk/citations?user=lsgn38wAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN
Education锛欬/td> 2015/09  -  2018/06      Ph.D. in Space Physics, Wuhan University
2009/09  - 2013/06       B.S. in Electronic Information Science and  Technology, Wuhan University
Employment/Teaching Experience锛欬/td>  
Main Courses锛欬/td>  
Research Experience and Fields of Special Interest锛欬/td>  Magnetospheric physics, Kinetics in space plasmas
Publications锛欬/td> 銆?銆 Yu, X., & Yuan, Z. (2019). Saturation characteristics of parallel EMIC waves in the inner magnetosphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 46. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL083630. 锛圛銆両I鍖篠CI锛孖F=4.45锛堻/span>
銆?銆慄strong>Yu, X. D., Yuan, Z. G., Huang, S. Y., Yao, F., Qiao, Z., Wygant, J. R., and Funsten, H. O. (2019). Excitation of extremely low-frequency chorus emissions: The role of background plasma density. Earth Planet. Phys., 3(1), 1–7. http://doi.org/10.26464/epp2019001

銆?銆 Yu, X., Yuan, Z., Li, H., Huang, S., Wang, D., Yao, F., et al. (2018). Response of banded whistler mode waves to the enhancement of solar wind dynamic pressure in the inner Earth’s magnetosphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 8755–8763. https://doi.org/ 10.1029/2018GL078849.锛圛F=4.45锛堻/span>
銆?銆慄strong>Yu, X., Yuan, Z., Huang, S., Yao, F., Wang, D., Funsten, H. O., & Wygant, J. R. (2018). Excitation of O+ band EMIC waves through H+ ring velocity distributions: Van Allen Probe observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 1271–1276. https:// doi.org/10.1002/2018GL077109.锛圛F=4.45锛堻/span>
銆?銆慄strong>Yu, X., Z. Yuan, S. Huang, D. Wang, H. Li, Z. Qiao, and F. Yao (2017), EMIC waves covering wide L shells: MMS and Van Allen Probes observations, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 122, 7387–7395, doi:10.1002/2017JA023982.锛圛F=2.75锛堻/span>
銆?銆慄strong>Yu X D, Yuan Z G, Wang D D, Huang S Y, Li H M, Yu T, Qiao Z. 2017. Oxygen cyclotron harmonic waves observed using Van Allen Probes. Science China Earth Sciences, 60: 1310–1316. doi: 10.1007/s11430-016-9024-3.锛圛F=2.0锛堻/span>
銆?銆慄strong>Yu, X., Z. Yuan, D. Wang, S. Huang, Z. Qiao, T. Yu, and F. Yao (2016), Excitation of oblique O+ band EMIC waves in the inner magnetosphere driven by hot H+ with ring velocity distributions, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 121, 11,101–11,112, doi:10.1002/2016JA023221.锛圛F=2.75锛堻/span>
銆?銆慄strong>Yu, X., Z. Yuan, D. Wang, H. Li, S. Huang, Z. Wang, Q. Zheng, M. Zhou, C. A. Kletzing, and J. R. Wygant (2015), In situ observations of EMIC waves in O+ band by the Van Allen Probe A, Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 1312–1317, doi:10.1002/ 2015GL063250.锛圛F=4.45锛堻/span>